Sunday, October 21, 2012

If Only???

If only I had 8 more hours in my week.....
Then these beautiful apples, which are 1/10th of our tree's bounty, would be made into apple sauce, juice, apple pie, and apple butter.....

If only I had 8 more eyeballs on my head.....
 This poor Talin Baby, perhaps would not have gotten the rooster beating he did :-(
Yes, he is smiling well in the next photo but his mama sure was traumatized by the whole bloody mess, &^%$#% Rooster. "Nomorecockeeedoodledoo" Soup coming up next week thanks to Grandma Gloria!
And yes, T baby persevered quite well, maybe a nice scar to show for his rooster battle at age 1 but not much more....!"
 And Maybe If I Had Eight More Hands, I could make Winter Squash Pies, Bread, Pancakes, Cookies, out of THIS!!!

But, I DON'T!!! Have 8 of anything really. Except ideas. And those ideas once in awhile server a purpose! Like last Friday, in taking the boys to the local Blue Lake Pumpkin Patch. Yes, despite having tons of pumpkins ourselves, pumpkin patches are still cool for this overworked though continually holiday stimulated Mama.....
 And VERY Cool to these little kiddos...complete with hay rides, hay bail mazes, and special treats...they are the full shabaaaanggg! Definitely more then I had as a wee one growing up. Must be the country air up here!

Yep, Sometimes it's just SO good to start looking at what you HAVE, right in front of you, and STOP looking at what you don't those EIGHT extra hours...eyes...hands....:-)


Ashley said...

Love your pumpkins! It's true we can all use a few extra hands but we gotta make do with the ones we have! Good luck Katie!

Sheelagh said...

I often have the grandest ideas that never get put into action. I have felt that "if only" feeling so so many times. 8 more hands and 8 more eyes and 8 more hours would only make us 8Xs more tired though....I think!

Your squash stash is amazing! Looks so so so yummy...those apples too! But my oh my how preserving can be time consuming!!!

And oh oh oh...poor T-baby. Glad he is OK. Those babies of the family sure do get beaten up! But they sure will have great scars and stories to tell. Not to worry, he looks pretty secure in himself. :-)

jonna Collins said...

Love the last two pics of the boys. Just awesome.