He has grown by leaps and bounds in the last two months, and especially the last two weeks.
His little baby rolls are popping up on his chubby little thighs and arms, and he has the best little baby pot belly anywhere.
And he is getting STRONG! He actually seems to like to play on his tummy now as he can lift his big head up with no problem. No rolling yet, but I bet it's only a matter of days, perhaps hours...And...he loves to stand up...just loves it. He gets all happy and googily eyed, often laughs outloud.
And, ta DAAAAAAA, he's sleeping as much as 6-7 hours in a row on some nights. WOW! And now that I edit this a week later he hasn't done this feat in the last week at all...but at least I know he's capable of it. A usual night is still to wake up ever 4 hours....still giving his mama some rest which is good. I think it is absolutely marvelous when he sleeps 6 hours. And it helps me stay caught up on the pumping front so I can stay ahead of my little piglett while at work, as he seems to suck down the milk faster than I can make it while I am away.
Yes away, back at work full time. VERY, very tough. It's so hard to leave the little smiling face. He's still so full of smiles for his momma, dad, and just about everyone else who will give him some goos and razzs. When I get home I can't seem to get enough of him....his smiling, (and sometimes teary...) eyes are just so so sweet....
But, overall I think the transition to full time is as good as it can be. I am lucky enough to have him with an excoworker who is now home with her little year old girl just one day a week. She is close to my office so I can pop in for a visit or feeding session on those days. The other days he his getting some good dad time, with Grandma Gloria to help out now and then.
And by the time this is posted, I'm sure he'll be another pound heavier, another grunt closer to rolling over, and another baby babble closer to saying his first word...it really does go by so fast...
Oh my goodness! What a cute little squirt!! I can't wait to meet him. What's your secret for sleeping so long?? Seriously, how do you do it? My girl wakes up every couple hours and has for months....
I don't know Jonna...I guess all kiddos really truly are different.
It just kinda happens...
We are using a pacifier.
We are also not co-sleeping. It just didn't really work as we sleep up in a loft and I wasn't keen on the idea of hauling a little baby up and down a ladder, (yep, a wide nice ladder, but not stairs so much.) So he's sleeping in his crib just below our bed...so I can hear him cry and get up and feed him pretty easily. He loves his blankie to sleep with. And there have been a couple of times he's woken up within 2 hours of me feeding him and I pop the pacifier in his mouth and he goes back to sleep. This is just recently though...before I would just feed him...
I do feel lucky though...
He is growing so big!
And I hope my baby starts sleeping 4-6hrs soon!
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