Monday, August 24, 2009

The ups and downs of life...

So I could use all this space to lament on the trials of motherhood, on how while at work I feel incredibly guilty about leaving my perfect little boy, but while at home I worry about how I'm gonna continue making it dealing with the stresses of my profession. I could go on and on about how stimulating my work is, and how much I really adore it, and then how demanding it is, and I wonder if it will ever truly fit in my "ideal life" of being a good mom, (which does take TIME,) and having a healthy family.
These last few weeks have been tough. I'm working a lot, more than I probably should, but money is tight and those bills don't just stop showing up. So, we're dealing with it and I'm gonna stop now, enough boo hooing...
I do feel incredibly lucky to have the job I have in the current times.
Please enjoy the pics of Forrest.... they make me happy...

1 comment:

Sheelagh said...

Sorry work has you stressed! I'm feeling like a bad parent these days too. Either way you slice it, it's never perfect. Just know you're doing soooo well. Your son looks so healthy and happy. I adore him and have never even met him!
Thank you for sharing your feeling and your life and your beautiful child!
Again, I enjoy seeing a little peek into your's beautiful there form the kitchen!!!! I love seeing Forest cook with you.