Saturday, November 13, 2010

My 20 month old Forrest, November strawberries and bell peppers, and more!

Woweeee, this Fultmeyer household has been a bit crazy. I've been neglecting this blog simply due to lack of sleep, time, exhaustion, etc. etc. This mama just finished working 11 of the last 12 days and is now starting off a 3 day weekend! Thank goodness to the exhaustion gods for that.
Meanwhile, I have a 20 month old kiddo TOMORROW!!!! My goodness, that sounds old, 20 months going on 20 years, huh!
Forrest is a big ball of energy and at the moment is babbling away yelling at me to do SOMETHING.  His language has taken off in the last month, as has his singing. He's constantly singing away all the songs he learns in kiddiecare. His words include our dogs names, Chester and Tessie..."teeee" for teeth as in brushing his teeth, "gigi" for blankie, and a ton others.
He still loves the outdoors and his favorite thing to do is push his tike bike around our dirt roads. It's not at all unusual for him to push that thing a mile! He really amazes me with his activity. I'm just so thankful we live where we do and CAN let him burn his energy outdoors.

I recently broke down and bought a DVD player for my Subaru. Forrest has no exposure to TV at home, but the hour drives 2-3 times a week into my work and his daycare are hard on his toddler body and mama...and on his lack of patience, (patience....does that exist for a toddler???;-) So this way it at least helps the situation and I can control what he's watching. So far the Baby Einstein videos, (despite their lack of "genius building" skills, or whatever you want to call it....) and Planet Earth seem to keep him entertained. As does Barney...ugggh....not my favorite....
He's an eater, when he's not sick...and the sicknesses....they do keep coming. An ear infection, and a cold in the last month. He's handled the last one quite well. His favorite foods are soup, cereal with milk, most all fruit, milk, spagetti, chips, (of course....), and oatmeal usually goes down. And of course yogurt...where would we be without that miracle food!
His 19 month appt. stats were 26 lbs, 33 inches tall, and a head still in the 97th percentile. His hair growth is finally catching us with his head and coming in blond and thicker!
So there's the Mr. Forrest update. We're off to Southern Oregon for some camping and fun while this weather is decent. And I"ve got to go clean the chicken soup off the walls....;-)

P.S. Yes, we have strawberries and lovely sweet red bell peppers in November! Amazing!


Ashley said...

I am trying to limit Riley's tv watching too. I hear you on the dvd player. We are planning to borrow one for the car on our next long trip. It just makes her much happier in the car for so long!

Sheelagh said...

It all sounds so familiar...;-)
Glad you are getting some time off and hopefully form R&R too. I think J and F are pretty close on the stats. I don't have his in front of me, but he's also in the higher 20lb range.

Forest is a super cutie though! I love the fun pictures you include, especially the one of you looking down at him from mom eye view.