Monday, December 1, 2014

A Thanksgiving Escape...

 We've made it quite a tradition to go to S. Oregon over the Thanksgiving break. The fishing is generally outstanding and it's a nice gettaway as I often have some days off. This year our friends from Santa Rosa joined us. They have two boys, ages 5 and 2. So, 4 boys 5 and under ruled our holiday! It was awesome! The weather did not cooperate and it dumped buckets on us the whole time, blowing the river out. Before the river got too high Alex did manage to catch a nice bright salmon for our first dinner with our friends.

 We had a great time playing, visiting the fish hatchery near by, endless legos, long baths, movies, forts, cooking, and lots and lots of little boy energy. Fellow boy mom Marla is amazing and it was very nice to compare and commiserate!
Our friends left Saturday morning leaving us to have some alone time. Given the blown out river we headed for the Oregon coast and nailed a beautiful day!
 The rain had stopped and the kids had a great time on this wind protected beach.

It was an amazing trip and we're thankful for the great "gettaway" tradition we've started!

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