Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day...

Today I hurt. My back, my butt, my neck is crinked, my right ankle is sore for some reason, and of course the legs, oh the legs...and it is a great day, a great weekend! Yesterday I had a blast...waking up at 5:00 a.m., loading my bike and gear, and driving down to Ferndale to ride in the Tour Of the Unknown Coast. I succeeded in riding farther than I thought I would be able to, climb more vertical feet than I normally would have cared to, and achieved the bliss a rider does while riding through redwood trees with a fast paceline topping speeds you wouldn't top while alone.
The ride ended with me hurting, a lot. And also grinning ear to ear with accomplishment. This is most likely my last long ride of my 20's, my longest ride ever as a mama, and well, it was just a kick ass kind of day.
I drove home to arrive to a quiet house, a napping baby, and a husband who was stoked at the wonderful day HE had with his son.
I don't think it can get much better than this, do you?
So, on this mother's day, yes I hurt, but I also had the pleasure of eating smoked salmon on bagels with Larrupin sauce, drinking some great coffee, and having my little boy climb into my lap, and give me a huge hug.
That last part is really what it's all about...


Sheelagh said...

Awesome! Purely awesome! I'm so glad you did it and enjoyed it and had a wonderfully painful Mother's Day.
Happy Happy...1st Mother's you!

Ashley said...

Yea!! Good Job! Happy 1st Mother's Day!